You can certainly manage relations in Access using the GUI (Tools ~ Relationships) but one of my "best practices" is to code any table changes in a test environment, and then apply them to the production database.
Note: Lines are wrapped to fit the Blogger window - you can view the formatted examples at Working with Relations.
Sub AddRel_Nov_26_2007()
' create one-to-many relationship
' from PrimaryTable to ForeignTable
Const PrimaryTable =
Const PrimaryField = "Status"
Const ForeignTable = "tblSCH_Applicant"
Const ForeignField = "Status"
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rel As DAO.Relation
Dim fld As DAO.Field
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rel = db.CreateRelation
With rel
.Name = PrimaryTable & ForeignTable
.Table = PrimaryTable
.ForeignTable = ForeignTable
.Fields.Append rel.CreateField(PrimaryField)
.Fields(PrimaryField).ForeignName = ForeignField
End With
db.Relations.Append rel
Set fld = Nothing
Set rel = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
End Sub
Sub DelRel_Nov26_2007()
' delete the relationship
' from PrimaryTable to ForeignTable
Const PrimaryTable = "tlkpScholarshipStatus"
Const ForeignTable = "tblSCH_Applicant"
' relation was named
' using concatenated table names
Const RelationName =
Dim db As DAO.Database
Set db = CurrentDb
db.Relations.Delete RelationName
Set db = Nothing
End Sub
This best practice of scripting table changes came in quite handy when working with an out-of-state customer. Instead of having the back-end database emailed for me to apply the changes, I simply coded the changes into a module in a newfront-end file & the customer ran the table-change code. This minimized downtime on their production system.